As a new mom, whether for the first time or second or seventh, you deserve to feel empowered, informed and supported. We create opportunities for you to learn skills, gather evidence-based information to make educated choices, learn about local resources and come together in a supportive community of other women and mothers. We want for you to have the experience of true village and feel surrounded by wisdom, nurturing and supportive environment, new friends and a lot of fun.
In the effort to combat the spread of the novel virus COVID-19, our physical studio in West Orange is temporarily closed through March 31, 2020 and with further closure possible. Our entire community has been working extremely hard to make sure that we keep providing you with the most comprehensive care, support, information during your pregnancy and early motherhood. We continue to offer our workshops and series , as well as adding NEW ones!, in a VIRTUAL format and with reduced registration fees.
Please register for your workshop through our registration system. You will receive a link to access your LIVE class at the scheduled time.
To join our lively COMMUNITY, join our FB group Moms of Whole Mother Village and visit our VIRTUAL STUDIO to join our LIVE support groups, classes, info sessions and access our video library.